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Welcome to


St. James Holt Crossing

1867 - Present


The abstract of the St. James Holt Crossing Baptist Church dates the establishment of the church as November 19, 1867, two years after the passage of the 13th amendment, which outlawed slavery.  The first recorded history by one of its members is dated 1875.  In 1875 the church was located on the east side of the central of Georgia Railroad.  From that recorded history the first pastor on record was Rev. Crowe.

In our history we have on record 19 pastors who have lead this great church.  This church has survived and thrived World War I, the Korean War, Civil Rights Movement, the Viet Nam War, the Gulf War, numerous presidents and several missionaries.


The church strength lies in its history-brave men and women who feared the Lord and stood on the Word of God.  St. James, the Holy Ghost Filled Red Brick Church by the Side of the Road dedicated to the Saving of Souls, as it was once called, has stood first alone in the midst of fields and dirt roads.  Now it stands in one of the busiest retail districts in Montgomery.


St. James was known for its words of wisdom displayed on the church marquee each month.  Many Montgomerians were blessed by the anointed words as they passed the church each day.  The church served as a guiding light to many.


Over the years, we have watched the membership shrink and expand; however, the core group has remained steadfast.  There is much work to be done, and we, as a church body, believe that God’s word will continue to go forth from this corner.  From Rev Crowe to Pastor Derek T. Murry, St. James continues to be the Holy Ghost filled church that sits by the side of the road as a beacon of light for Montgomery.

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St. James Holt Crossing Family 2020



We welcome you!  We welcome all visitors who just want to fellowship and worship with us.   Join us as we are committed to "Doing Life Together" .



"Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." ~Acts 2: 47 KJV~

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